collage of people using Assistive Technology devices like ipads and assistive tools

AT Independent Living Program

In partnership with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), ESMA offers free assistive technology (AT) equipment and training for individuals with severe disabilities such as computer aids, voice output communication tools, and electronic aids for daily living. Take the first step towards greater independence today!

Explore Eligibility & Fill Out Referral Form

Our mission is to provide services to ensure children and adults with disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play.

With an individualized approach to all services, we focus on the power of unlocking every person's full potential.

Easterseals Massachusetts serves all regions of Massachusetts creating a thriving network for the Disability and Veteran communities.  Our therapists and specialists are experts in their field providing the most exceptional services in a wide range of settings.

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Assistive Technology Loan Programs

The Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program improves the independence and quality of life of residents with disabilities through loan opportunities for acquiring assistive technology devices and services.

Many different items are considered assistive technology, including:

  • Hearing Aids
  • Computers
  • Flashing doorbells
  • Electric wheelchairs or scooters
  • Adapted vehicles
  • Home modifications such as portable ramps or stair lifts
  • Learn More
    a woman and man with a disability on the computer, smiling at each other

    Get in Touch With Us

    Easterseals Massachusetts

    18 Chestnut Street, Suite 200
    Worcester, MA 01608
    Phone: (508) 757-2756

    View our other locations Contact us Online

    What's New At

    Easterseals Massachusetts

    Moving & Grooving 80s Style! Cowabunga!

    This year’s Final Lap celebration for ESMA’s annual Move With Me fundraiser hosted this past weekend at The Bridge Center had cool moves, big hair, zany outfits, and super big smiles. We are thrilled to report that, with the help of all our supporters, we exceeded our goal of $100,000 with a total of $106,000 and climbing. These funds will be put to immediate use to sustain the programs and services that empower our community. Now, that’s totally rad! Fer sure. Click to view the event photo gallery!

    a child rides a horse inside an arena
    Start each morning off on the right hoof at Summer Equine Enrichment Days beginning in June! Join us for select summer weeks for an immersive experience of feeding, caring for, riding, and training horses at The Bridge Center. Registration is open; guarantee your spot today!
    a black and white photo of a classroom
    WGBH recently featured Easterseals Massachusetts' #TeachDisabilityHistory committee in an article examining the importance of incorporating disability history into school curriculums! Click to read the full article.
    three therapists at ESMA stand for photos
    Our therapists make a profound difference in their clients' lives. Read their spotlight stories for an inside look at a career at ESMA. We have flexible Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and Speech & Language Pathologist jobs open throughout MA. Learn more & apply now!
    two adults sit at a computer and smile together
    Increase your independence using ESMA’s Alternative Finance Program in partnership with MassMATCH and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission! It provides long-term device loans, mini loans, and financial loans for the purchase of AT products and services.
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    Stay up to date with everything happening at Easterseals Massachusetts by following @eastersealsma on Facebook!

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    Stories From Our Clients

    Thomas, a college navigator student, smiles

    Thomas has autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, which made staying organized, paying attention, and making friends challenging at college. Now, the tools and organizational skills he has learned from the College Navigator Program help guide him as a student working toward his Early Childhood teaching certificate to become an educator and working two jobs.

    Sister Robin smiles while sitting in her wheelchair
    Sister Robin

    Robin’s dedication to serving people in need is admirable, and her use of assistive technology demonstrates the power of technology to empower individuals and organizations alike.

    chris sitting in his AT adjusted desk and chair

    Assistive Technology (AT) was the solution to support Chris’ desire to work again and lead a more independent life. Chris’ journey is a testament to the power of technology in improving people’s lives and is a reminder that disabilities do not define a person’s capabilities. With the right accommodation and support, individuals can unlock their full potential and thrive in the workforce and other areas of life.

    Kim uses smart home technology with specialist, Louise

    Kim's illnesses relating to Cauda Equina Syndrome prevented her from working as a nurse and had an impact on her daily life as a mother. It also led her to an inactive life. After Assistive Technology training, Kim increased her level of independence and feels she is living a more fulfilling life.

    headshot of Dave outside in a wooded area

    Although Dave feels he still has room to improve his mental health, he is in a much better place than when he first got involved with the MassVeteran community. A key source of support is that Dave continues to look forward to future Easterseals events, which he calls “little glimmers of light at the end of the darkness,” for all Veterans. Read his story.

    Scott plays the organ in a church

    When Scott embarked on a working relationship with Connie, his ESMA Employment Coordinator, little did they know that right around the corner would lie one of the biggest opportunities toward his employment goal, playing music for the masses, literally.

    Featured Programs

    adult woman in a wheel chair showing other adults a virtual remote at a technology center

    Assistive Technology Regional Centers

    Increase your independence at home, on the job, or in school by making informed decisions about the assistive technology that's right for you. This is a FREE resource to easily borrow AT. Solutions can range from non-electronic communication displays to communication devices controlled by eye movements, and more.

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    A female college graduate hugs someone with a diploma in her hand

    College Navigator Program

    The College Navigator program assists students to identify barriers, advocate for their needs, and access college services and resources to successfully reach graduation. This program provides individualized services to college students with disabilities based on their goals, strengths, and needs.

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    three young people gather at a table and eat snacks

    Youth Leadership Network (YLN)

    Through the support of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission, YLN promotes self-advocacy and self-awareness for teens and young adults with disabilities ages 14-26. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 4:45 pm via zoom. No long-term commitment is necessary.

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    When you make a donation to Easterseals, you help strengthen our mission to ensure everyone — regardless of age or ability — is fully included and empowered.

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